New capsule collection “TRIBE”

Frammenti launched capsule collection at an event with many public figures.
Frammenti launched its spring/summer capsule collection, called “Tribe”, at an event that took place at Trend Spot, in Lisbon, and which was attended by relevant figures from Portuguese and Angolan music and cultures.

The capsule collection, by Hernâni Santino, was inspired by the African tribal customs witnessed by the author during his stay in the Himba tribe, in Angola, and which are now portrayed in the pieces presented.
During the event, the guests were surprised by a creative intervention, composing designs on white t-shirts that were arranged in the space. Personalities such as pilot Vitor Barros, RTP Africa presenter Nádia Silva, artists Damásio Brothers, Lipesky from the band Mobbers, NV Massas and Mr. Blue, RTP presenter Tiago Goes Ferreira or even digital creator Milton Edgar left their personal mark on the t-shirts that will now be displayed at the Frammenti store in Lisbon.
The new capsule will be available in stores in Lisbon and Angola, as well as in the brand's online store.